3 giu 2022Call for papers: RSE/IREH Fast track reviewRivista di Storia Economica / Italian Review of Economic History (RSE/IREH): CALL FOR PAPERS (FAST TRACK REVIEW)
17 mag 2022New website!ASE has updated its website: new and old contents are being uploaded to this new, more functional webpage. Stay tuned!
9 nov 2021Economics, history and economic history in Stefano Fenoaltea's cliometrics: programme onlineThe program of the Online Symposium in honor of Stefano Fenoaltea (1943-2020), co-organised by ASE and Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Onlus on...
5 ago 20216th ASE Annual meeting: programme onlineThe program of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Associazione per la Storia Economica (ASE) that will take place on September 17-18, 2021...