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Economics, history and economic history in Stefano Fenoaltea's cliometrics: programme online

The program of the Online Symposium in honor of Stefano Fenoaltea (1943-2020), co-organised by ASE and Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Onlus on November 12, 2021, is now available.

The program of the Online Symposium in honor of Stefano Fenoaltea (1943-2020), co-organised by ASE and Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Onlus on November 12, 2021, is now available.

See the full program here.

The symposium will be livestreamed on the newly created ASE YouTube channel, which you can find here. Following the event, the video will be saved on the Fondazione Einaudi YouTube channel, where it will be possible to find it in the future.


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