The Banking history in a global perspective – special issue proposal
Guest editor: Paolo Di Martino
Over the last decade and half, largely as the result of the post-2008 global crisis, banking history has undergone substantial development and re-thinking. While new perspectives on established debates have emerged, new topics and directions have been launched too.
In the rethinking of established debates, among others, two topics in particular have attracted wide attention: the study of the general determinants of financial instability in the long run and in comparative perspective based on new datasets (Jordà, Schularick and Taylor 2011, Schularick and Taylor 2012) and the re-assessment of the nature and causes of banking crises (especially in Europe) during the great depression (Molteni 2023, Macher 2019, Schnabel 2004, Baubeau et al. 2021). As for the novel approaches, recent studies have emphasized (again, among others) the key role of “central banks” as providers of commercial credit in loosening-up liquidity constraints during the classical gold standard period (Mitchener and Monnet 2023, Bazot 2014), or dig into the overviewed issue of the evolution of the payment system in historical perspective ( The aim of the special issue is to contribute to the renewed interest in banking history by hosting contributions that either review the newest trajectories in the field, and/or further develop them, also outside the topics summarised above.
The guest editor welcomes contribution with a national focus as well as with a comparative approach, and is open to different time periods and approaches, as long as articles are based on clear-cut research questions and on solid methods. Those interested should submit their full papers, within 31 January 2025, following the standard procedure at this address:, mentioning that the submission is for the special issue. The guest editor encourages the submission of a preliminary abstract (max 1,000 words) within 1 June 2024 for a possible workshop to be held in Turin in October 2024. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: and
BAUBEAU, P., MONNET, E., RIVA, A. & UNGARO, S. 2021. Flight‐to‐safety and the credit crunch: a new history of the banking crises in France during the Great Depression. The Economic History Review, 74, 223-250.
BAZOT, G. 2014. Local liquidity constraints: What place for central bank regional policy? the french experience during the belle epoque (1880–1913). Explorations in Economic History, 52, 44-62.
JORDÀ, Ò., SCHULARICK, M. & TAYLOR, A. M. 2011. Financial crises, credit booms, and external imbalances: 140 years of lessons. IMF Economic Review, 59, 340-378.
MACHER, F. 2019. The Hungarian twin crisis of 1931. The Economic History Review, 72, 641-668.
MITCHENER, K. J. & MONNET, E. 2023. Connected Lending of Last Resort. National Bureau of Economic Research.
MOLTENI, M. 2023. Credit Expansion, Leverage, and Banking Distress: The Puzzle of Interwar Italy. European Economic History Review.
SCHNABEL, I. 2004. The German twin crisis of 1931. The Journal of Economic History, 64, 822-871.
SCHULARICK, M. & TAYLOR, A. M. 2012. Credit booms gone bust: monetary policy, leverage cycles, and financial crises, 1870–2008. American Economic Review, 102, 1029-1061.