The Associazione per la Storia Economica (ASE) announces a Call for Papers for its 4th Economic History Workshop, that will take place during the 7th ASE Annual Meeting in Pisa, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, on September 23rd and 24th 2022.
The workshop will feature three sessions (2-3 papers each), while the ASE Keynote Lecture will be given by professor Jochen Streb (Mannheim University). CfP Deadline: July 17th, 2022. Proposals should be addressed by e-mail to You can send the paper as currently drafted, and/or a ca. 1,000-word summary. Accepted papers will be notified by July 31st. Note that a current ASE membership is required to attend the Annual Meeting. We encourage ASE associates to share the CfP with potentially interested researchers.